Click here to access Instructions for additional help setting up or additional instructions on navigating the system.
Nutrition Services is a separate system. For meal purchases please go here.
Use of the Online Payment System requires a ParentVUE account:
- If you do not currently have a ParentVUE account, please contact your school to obtain your activation key.
- Then CLICK HERE to begin the process to activate your ParentVUE account.
- It takes up to 24 hours after creating your ParentVUE account before ParentVUE syncs with the Online Payment System.
- After the sync you can create an Online Payment System login.
- Reminder, your User Name is the same as your ParentVUE account. The Password may or may not be different depending on what you set up.
With an active ParentVUE account, you can click below to set up your Online Payment System account.
Click here to setup your Account
Returning Users Log-In:
Parents/Guardians log in below to make online payments for students.
Reminder, your User Name is the same as your ParentVUE account. The Password may or may not be different depending on what you set up.
If you need to reset your Online Payment System Password, please CLICK HERE to have a Password reset email sent to your on file email address.
Community members and relatives may use the button below to make donations. DO NOT use donations to pay for student fees or activities.
This link is for Donations Only.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover cards.